10 Reasons for Sales Teams to Adopt Automatic Transcription Software in 2021

If you've heard about how automated transcription software can benefit your Sales Team, you've likely been keeping up with us over the last year (*gulp*... 2020).

While last year may finally be behind us, 2021 is still new on the horizon (give or take a few days) and this blank canvas before us is a perfect opportunity to implement changes that will help you through the next trip around the sun.

There's never been a better time for Sales, in particular, to implement the use of automated transcriptions, and here are ten reasons why:

  1. Sell better.
    Take the time out of your day that you used to spend filling out call notes, writing followup emails, and modifying new contracts to send out. Now imagine spending that time acquiring new leads and closing more deals. Which option sounds like a better use of time to you?
  2. Sell faster.
    By spending less time doing the menial work in your day, you give yourself time back to focus closely on your clients and sell more in a month than you could have before - all allowing you to sell more efficiently and therefore faster.
  3. Sell more.
    The use of automated transcription software can increase the amount of sales you make to your current audience, making it possible to close more deals than you had the time to last year.
  4. Expand your audience.
    Transcriptions of calls, videos, or anything normally centred around audio expands your audience to those who can't get by on sound alone. Sell to more people than you would have been able to reach before your use of machine transcribed audio.
  5. Easily collect data.
    With everything from Sales automatically recorded, you have the information you need to determine where you're doing well and where you can improve.
  6. Train well.
    With automated transcriptions of past calls, it's easy to take your best content and translate it into scripts for those on the phone, feedback to coach your current team, a training guide for new hires.
  7. Improve customers' experience.
    While some might argue that Customer Service isn't entirely related to Sales, your customers' experience certainly is. Getting a signature on a contract is much easier when your customer is a happy one, and it's easy to keep your customers happy when you know exactly what they want - because it was all automatically written down for you!
  8. Increase retention.
    By using machine transcribed audio as a tool to improve customer experience, your clients are far more likely to continue using your service, meaning when it comes time to renew them you won't have a problem keeping them on board.
  9. Ensure pricing sustainability.
    With happier customers who are less likely to jump ship, you can ensure that a price increase won't scare off your prospects when the time inevitably comes to charge a bit more.
  10. Improve company-wide.
    Sales is often the hub of great ideas. Customer feedback, objection handling, and internal brainstorming are all opportunities to make improvements to what your Sales Team is bringing to the market. Automated transcription software allows these ideas to be quickly and efficiently shared between departments, making company-wide improvements as easy as sending a Slack message that you never actually had to type.

Automated transcription software is a tool that can benefit almost all professional sectors, but is especially beneficial to Salespeople. If you haven't already signed your Sales Team up to use machine transcribed audio, 2021 is the perfect time to do so!