Day 2 with Google Assistant - Camels, Toronto Raptors, and the Weather


Welcome to Day 2 with Google Assistant. Let's jump right into what type of things I voice searched for.


This is a must. Right when I wake up, the first thing I ask about is

Ok Google, what's the weather today in degrees Celsius

And Google Assistant will simply give me the weather - temperature and if it's snowing or not!


Now, this one was a bit of a weird one. My co-worker and I had a random discussion about camels. I was curious about interacting with camels in Canada (long-shot, I know):

Ok Google, where can I ride a camel in Canada?

Sure enough, what Google Assistant returned was search results for camel tours from elsewhere in the world. So close!

The Toronto Raptors

I used to follow the Toronto Raptors quite a bit back then and decided to check up on them. I'm sure Google Assistant can answer voice search questions about sports:

Ok Google, when do the Raptors play next

I don't think I was going to watch the game, but I wanted to know if the Raptors would be playing anytime soon.

"They will be playing the Suns tomorrow at 9:00p.m"



The one thing I like about Google Assistant for when I wake up is I don't have to forcefully wake my eyes up to look at a screen. I can unlock the phone, say "Ok, Google" and ask away. Then, Assistant will respond with an answer and I can carry on with my day.

Once I pick this habit up, I think I might prefer to use Google Assistant instead of typing. The next challenge, however, is figuring out how to get over using it in public when others are around.

So, that marks Day 2 down. On to Day 3!