The Obligation of Transcription

Arguably the greatest benefit of automatic transcription software is the many ways in which it provides accessibility. Machine transcribed audio allows the experience of any single user to be consistent with all others.

Unfortunately, accessibility isn't something we often discuss or even think about. For most of us, it isn't that the world is fully accessible; it's that the inaccessibility is hidden out of our direct line of sight. You could live your whole life never being forced to look in that direction, or you could be quickly unsettled one day in a matter of seconds and forced to gaze off your current path due to the smallest of circumstances. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there, lurking right beside you, the whole time. For a large portion of the population it's neither - but only because they've lived their entire lives watching without experiencing the convenience that abled people take advantage of all the time.

Accessibility is for everyone. Even if you're a completely abled person, you never know when you might need the help that accessibility provides to others every single day. It's important to take that into account when creating something that a public audience or user-base will interact with. Whether this means future-proofing for current users who don't necessarily need accommodations now (but someday might) or allowing any user full access to your product or services today, there isn't a single person who won't benefit from providing the fullest possible access to anyone and everyone.

This is especially important for creators. Without full accessibility, that precious creation you've struggled and persevered to create meets a pretty large chunk of the population as a painful prickle, not a powerful product. And what's the good of advancing with something new if it leaves anyone behind?

Automated transcription software is a tool that creates inviting experiences to both users and creators. It helps create a future where nothing is beyond anybody's reach. There are a variety of ways in which Vocalmatic can help with this, and these are the top three:

Enhanced Video Content

Automated transcriptions allow you to spend zero time providing the two most important video improvements when it comes to accessibility: Captions and transcripts. Automated transcription software can provide both of these items with the click of a button which can easily be used to create fully accessible video content to any and all of your users. This allows both creators and consumers a fully accessible experience from the early planning stages to the moment you press play.

Alternative Format Access

Transcriptions can also be provided to users who need access to alternative formats of your content. This can assist with converting your content into braille or even allow for quick and easy translation if necessary, and can all be done through the use of automatic transcription software.

Overall Experience Improvements

Increased accessibility improves everyone's experience. Creating a product with multiple alternative access points and a smooth, easy-to-use client interface allows for anyone to participate in the wonderful new thing you've created without anything standing in their way.

While accessibility is always a cool selling point, it's so much more than that. It's an obligation. No one would intentionally spin up a new website and think to themselves "This is great, but I want 15% of the population to never have access to it." However, when you don't consider accessibility, this is most certainly the outcome - whether intentional or not.

If you want to stay ahead of these issues and find a solution that works for you, get started on a more accessible path today with Vocalmatic.